- Smoking a cigar as a ritual for enjoyment and relaxation
- Important factors for choosing the right cigar:
- Shape, size, and flavor
- Milder cigars for beginners, e.g., Montecristo or Romeo y Julieta
- No cracks or uneven spots
- Essential accessories for smoking cigars:
- Cigar cutter: Guillotine, scissors, or punch cutter
- Cigar lighters or cedar matches
- Cigar ashtray: Wider and deeper than regular ashtrays
- Humidor: Constant 70% humidity and 64-68°F temperature
- Steps for proper handling of the cigar:
- Cutting the cigar: Clean cut with the cigar cutter
- Lighting the cigar: Slowly rotate above the flame
- Smoking the cigar: Do not inhale the smoke, draw slowly
- Caring for cigars:
- Store in a humidor and regularly check the humidity
- Travel humidor for longer trips
- Cigars as a symbol of success in the business world:
- Networking and negotiations in cigar lounges
- Cigars as a reward for achievements
- Historical examples: Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Exclusivity and luxury with brands like Cohiba and Partagas
- Ritual and relaxation after a long workday
Enjoying a cigar is a special time of pleasure and peace. But, to fully enjoy it, you need some know-how and the right tools. This guide will teach you to smoke a cigar well and which tools to use. Stick to these steps for the best cigar experience.
Choosing the Right Cigar
Before even thinking about smoking a cigar, you need to choose the right one. Cigars come in various shapes, sizes, and flavors. Beginners should start with milder cigars. Brands like Montecristo or Romeo y Julieta offer good entry-level options. Make sure the cigar has no cracks or uneven spots, as this can affect the quality.
Essential Accessories for the Perfect Experience
The Cigar Cutter
A high-quality cigar cutter is indispensable. There are different types: guillotine, scissors, and punch cutters. A double-bladed cutter is particularly recommended as it provides a clean cut. Be sure to cut the cap of the cigar without damaging the body. This ensures that the cigar burns evenly and provides optimal airflow.
The Lighter or Matches
To light your cigar, you should use special cigar lighters or cedar matches. Regular lighters or gasoline lighters can affect the taste of the cigar. A butane lighter is ideal because it burns odorlessly. Hold the cigar above the flame and slowly rotate it to create an even ember.
The Ashtray
A cigar ashtray is wider and deeper than a regular ashtray. This prevents the cigar from falling and the ash from spreading everywhere. Ceramic or glass models are particularly popular as they are easy to clean and look stylish.
The Humidor
A humidor is essential to keep cigars fresh. Cigars need to be stored at a constant humidity of around 70% and a temperature of 64-68°F (18-20°C). A humidor ensures that these conditions are maintained. Be sure to regularly maintain and calibrate the humidor to ensure optimal storage.
Proper Handling of the Cigar
Cutting the Cigar
Before smoking the cigar, it must be cut correctly. Take the cigar cutter and place it over the cap, about 2-3 millimeters from the end. Cut quickly and evenly to avoid fraying. A clean cut is important to ensure good airflow.
Lighting the Cigar
Hold the cigar above the flame of the lighter or match, without putting it directly into the flame. Rotate the cigar slowly to evenly heat the entire tip. Once an even ember is formed, gently draw on the cigar to ignite the smoke. Avoid letting the cigar burn too quickly to maintain the flavor.
Smoking the Cigar
Cigar smoke is not inhaled but tasted in the mouth. Draw slowly and evenly to fully experience the flavor. Let the ash grow to about 1-1.5 inches (2-3 centimeters) before gently placing it in the ashtray. This prevents the cigar from burning too hot and becoming bitter.
Cigar Care
Cigars are delicate and require proper care. Store them in the humidor and regularly check the humidity. Dry cigars burn too quickly and lose aroma, while overly moist cigars can draw poorly and mold. If traveling for extended periods, invest in a travel humidor to protect the quality of your cigars.
Cigars as a Symbol of Success in the Business World
In the business world, cigars have long held a special significance as a symbol of success, power, and wealth. Successful men and entrepreneurs often use cigar smoking to express their achievements and status. Cigars are not just a pleasure but also a sign of exclusivity and sophistication.
Networking and Negotiations
In many business relationships, networking is crucial. Cigar lounges and exclusive clubs offer a relaxed atmosphere where businesspeople can make connections and conduct negotiations in peace. Sharing a cigar creates an informal setting that builds trust and allows for deeper conversations.
Cigars as a Reward
Many successful men see cigars as a reward for their hard work and achievements. Lighting a cigar after closing a deal or completing a successful project symbolizes the end of an important phase and the beginning of a new one. It is a moment of pause and enjoyment that honors the day’s accomplishments.
Historical Examples
Historically, cigars have been a hallmark of many significant personalities. Famous figures like Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, and Arnold Schwarzenegger are known for their love of cigars. These individuals not only revolutionized their respective fields but also cemented the cigar’s status as a symbol of success.
Exclusivity and Luxury
Enjoying a high-quality cigar is often associated with luxury and exclusivity. Brands like Cohiba and Partagas offer premium cigars that are produced in limited quantities under strict quality controls. These cigars symbolize the finer things in life that successful people indulge in.
Ritual and Relaxation
For many businesspeople, smoking a cigar is a ritual of relaxation and reflection. After a long workday, a cigar provides the opportunity to unwind and review the day. These moments of calm are essential for clearing the mind and recharging energy.
Cigars are more than just tobacco products; they are an expression of lifestyle and success. In the business world, they symbolize the triumph of hard work and the enjoyment of its fruits. Whether as a reward, in negotiations, or as a mark of personal style, cigars remain an unmistakable symbol of success.
Smoking a cigar is a pleasure that can be perfected with the right preparation and accessories. From choosing the cigar to cutting and lighting it, to maintaining it in a humidor, each step is important to fully experience the flavor. Invest in high-quality accessories and take the time to enjoy the ritual. This way, every cigar becomes a special experience.
Discover the world of cigars with all its facets and make smoking a relaxing and enjoyable ritual.